Friday, August 29, 2008

Rebecca's Tonsilectomy

My younger daughter Rebecca had her tonsils out on August 8th, then on Sunday the 17th, started hemorrhaging and had to go to the emergency room. They took her into the OR around 1 am and cauterized the wounds, and she got to go home Monday evening. Tuesday afternoon she started bleeding again, so we went back, had more surgery, they also put in stitches and thought that would be it. Thursday evening, while still in the hospital, she started bleeding again. So back to the OR for more cauterizing and more stitches. It's unusual to bleed at all, rarer to bleed twice, and unheard of to do it 3 times. They gave her meds during the 3rd one to help with the clotting, and gave her a unit of blood & 2 units of platelets on Friday. We stayed until Sunday afternoon. She's been home since then, and praise God, no more bleeding. Until the current scabs come off with no bleeding, we'll keep praying and she'll stick to soft foods.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Why is this site so d*mned difficult to navigate? Why can't I just post my stupid picture from Photobucket? The picture on there right now is the only sorry picture I have on my computer at work, and I was tired of being faceless. When I tried to do Chad Darnell's 12 0f 12 last month I had editing issues. Actually, editing them on Photobucket wasn't that hard, but getting them on here was a whole different ball of wax. I'm sure if I had all day, I could read through the help sections on here, but I might or might not get what I need. I tried the "share" feature on Photobucket, which put a giant picture of my face, pores and all in a post. It took me another 5 minutes to figure out how to get to the edit post function to delete it. While I'm not as savvy as the average teenager, I'm not computer illiterate. Really.

Monday, June 02, 2008

No more attempts at simplicity

I deleted my other blog. It was one where I intended to chronicle my attempts to simplify my life. I posted it on January 1, 2008...and that was the last post. So, instead of feeling guilty, I just got rid of it. You know what? Life is simply f**king complicated. (irony intended...don't think it quite counts as a pun, does it?) There are no two ways about it.

Children grow up. They're smart. They want to go to college. They start to drive. They want cars—need insurance and gas. And don't even get me started on gas prices. I'm sure there's nothing I could say that hasn't already been said.

Kids get sick, you want to go on mission trips to "do something out your faith"....but it all takes time and money.

Okay, enough ranting. The point is there is nothing simple about my life. Sometimes I wish I were a cat.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Chad Darnell's 12 of 12

Finally! I remembered, had my camera available, and actually did it! So, I'm a little late getting it posted. Dial-up. Enough said.

Saturday morning

This is the time I remembered it was the 12th. I had actually been up for about an hour.

Mmmmm. Becca, my youngest (15) made scones!

Picture perfect day

Perfect Spring day.

All that's left...
All that's left after paying the bills.

Time to update
Time to freshen the color.

Dropping off my daughter
Dropped off Becca and her best friend at The Woodlands Mall.
Market Street
On to Market Street to hang out. It's one of my favorite spots.

Prom night for some.
More Market Street
More Market Street. That's Tommy Bahama's behind the trees, and Borders to my right.

Jamba Juice for dinner. Regular Mango Mantra with an immunity boost.

Fountains @ Market Street
The fountains with several soaking wet children playing in them. It was getting a little cool with the sun going down.

Veronica Mars
Home at last for a couple of episodes of Veronica Mars, season 3.