Finally! I remembered, had my camera available, and actually did it! So, I'm a little late getting it posted. Dial-up. Enough said.
This is the time I remembered it was the 12th. I had actually been up for about an hour.
Mmmmm. Becca, my youngest (15) made scones!
Perfect Spring day.
All that's left after paying the bills.
Time to freshen the color.
Dropped off Becca and her best friend at The Woodlands Mall.
On to Market Street to hang out. It's one of my favorite spots.
Prom night for some.
More Market Street. That's Tommy Bahama's behind the trees, and Borders to my right.
Jamba Juice for dinner. Regular Mango Mantra with an immunity boost.
The fountains with several soaking wet children playing in them. It was getting a little cool with the sun going down.
Home at last for a couple of episodes of Veronica Mars, season 3.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
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