Monday, June 02, 2008

No more attempts at simplicity

I deleted my other blog. It was one where I intended to chronicle my attempts to simplify my life. I posted it on January 1, 2008...and that was the last post. So, instead of feeling guilty, I just got rid of it. You know what? Life is simply f**king complicated. (irony intended...don't think it quite counts as a pun, does it?) There are no two ways about it.

Children grow up. They're smart. They want to go to college. They start to drive. They want cars—need insurance and gas. And don't even get me started on gas prices. I'm sure there's nothing I could say that hasn't already been said.

Kids get sick, you want to go on mission trips to "do something out your faith"....but it all takes time and money.

Okay, enough ranting. The point is there is nothing simple about my life. Sometimes I wish I were a cat.


kolls said...

I meant to tell you, you might've had my darling boyfriend in your class - he was in 8th grade at McCullough in 97-98! Being a typical guy, however, he's reaching for his teacher's name. I'm bugging him to remember ;)

kolls said...

Ha! As soon as I closed my last comment, I noticed your actual blog address and asked Kev if you were his teacher - he said yes!