Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Happy D-Day!

No, not Doomsday, as in 6/6/06. I mean how is 2006 significant? That's just stupid. D-Day. Yes, historically, it's the anniversery of the invasion of Normandy, the beginning of the end of WWII. But, for me, it's even more.

D-Day, for me = Divorce Day. Yes, on this day in 1996 my divorce was final. I have been divorced for 10 years now. I am very proud of the fact that I had probably one of the most amicable divorces in the history of divorce. My ex- and I could be poster children for how to do it. We're not only friends, but I'm friends with his wife, I adore their children, and we just work together on stuff regarding our children. Recently, my older daughter went to live with her father when he moved away to another state. She's 15. The only real worry I had was how much I would miss her. I had no worries about her being loved and cared for as part of the family.

So, happy D-Day everyone!

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